Passed my General Exam!

As part of the requirements for my PhD in HCDE, I was required to complete a General Exam with reading, writing, and oral examination components. My exam spanned three areas:

  • Theories on governance, political communication, the organization of digital publics, and online and offline institutional design, change, and evolution;
  • Qualitative and quantitative empirical methods in the social sciences, including process tracing, comparative case study approaches, and computational approaches to analyzing digital trace data;
  • A concentration focused on definitional questions about online rumors, disinformation, propaganda, and influence operations, and the implications of these phenomena for the design of both online and offline organizations.

In preparing my reading list, I found it helpful to look through others’ materials for their exams. For those studying for their own generals, I have made my reading list available here: Zarine’s Generals Reading List.